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Mentor Program

NSB’s Mentor Program benefits its dancers because it provides that extra boost of a personal relationship with someone who has successfully followed a dream like theirs. It also benefits the community by bringing in dancers of high caliber and commitment. Invited professional dancers, in transition, will work closely with our students -giving them a glimpse of the professional ballet world in an environment that is inspiring and nurturing to the young career oriented dancer. Director, Denise Cecere, believes that “If you set the standards high for children, they will reach them if they are mentored properly. It is no secret that a mentor can make a difference in a child’s life.”


The structure and philosophy of this program is just as beneficial to the mentor. A season spent at NYB will provide the following benefits for professional dancers in transition:


  • Financial freedom to continue dancing without the burden of paying for classes and purchasing dance supplies for one year.


  • Opportunity to teach and share their knowledge with the school and company.


  • Opportunity to choreograph on NYB dancers without having to pay the dancers or rent rehearsal and performance space.


  • Opportunity to give back to the community while participating in outreach programs such as educational lecture/demonstrations, student exchange programs and guest performing with NYB throughout the season.


If you would like to be a mentor, please contact us.


Group of young dancers surrounded by a pre-professional dancer in a tutu
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